Nicole Claudat intuitive energy expert

Hi! My name is Nicole Claudat and I’m an Intuitive Energy Expert.  

My soul purpose in life is to empower people to live free, fearless and in alignment with their values and true nature. My passion to serve others as a guide to healing was always innate, but my experience with overcoming what I perceived as impossible is what deeply drives me to help others to do the same.

For decades I lived disconnected from myself, in a heightened state of stress, anxiety and never-ending feelings of stagnancy.  After the sudden passing of my mother, and an onslaught of traumatic events that followed, I was paralyzed with fear and a deep sense of not belonging anywhere in this world.  A “mysterious” chronic illness soon followed, and the only way I could foresee climbing out of this rock bottom was to make big adjustments in how I was living my life.

I devoutly committed to this change, and poured my energy into learning how to use my intuitive gifts to guide myself and others, learning about the quantum field and the Universal laws of energy and developing a deep connection to life, Source energy and to myself.

It is an honor for me to guide you towards reclaiming your power, passions and actualizing a life that feels joyous, expansive and purposeful!